Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plague War Previews

Been off the ball as it were totally missed the previews of the new set. Here are the ones that have been previewed thus far.

For Crane



1F 4C
4HR 6G 3PH
Crane Clan * Nonhuman * Kenku * Duelist
Iaijutsu Battle: Choose your performing Personality, and bow him unless he has won a duel this turn: Bow a target
enemy Personality with equal or lower Chi than yours.
“Only in challenge is there growth. You see a time of difficulty, I see a dojo without walls.”

Daidoji Gisei

2F 3C
6HR 7G 3PH
Crane Clan * Artisan * Storyteller * Loyal
Political Limited: Bow Gisei and discard the top card of your Fate Deck: All players lose an amount of Honor equal
to the card's Focus Value minus two (to a minimum of 0).
“You cannot tell a good story unless you are willing to suffer for it. Smiths sweat over their forges, potters wear
away their hands, storytellers give out bits of their own heart.”

Doji Hakuseki

4F 4C
6HR 9G 3PH
Crane Clan * Samurai * Duelist
Magistrate * Experienced * Unique
Battle: Bow a target enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor than Hakuseki’s Chi. If the Personality is
dishonorable, Hakuseki challenges him; destroy the duel’s loser.
“You are a dishonorable cur, and your very existence weakens the Empire. Happily,I know how to correct this

Daidoji Kyorai

3F 3C
4HR 7G 3PH
Crane Clan * Samurai * Iron Crane * Scout
Battle: Even if Kyorai is bowed,if a Recon action has targeted the current battlefield’s province this turn: Move
your target Personality there. Straighten his unit if he moved.
“You must take this news to Lord Kikaze. I will delay them here.”


Seawatch Castle

Iaijutsu Battle: Even if this card is bowed, shoose your performing unbowed Personality: He challenges a target
enemy Personality. Move the duel's loser home. The winner's controller takes the Imperial Favor.
The serenity of the waves has given rise to a unique dueling style, popular among prominent yojimbo.


The Trap is Sprung!
Battle: If a Recon action has targeted the current battlefield's province this turn, choose your performing unbowed
Scout Personality: Bow a target enemy card. Bow its unit if you are a Crane Clan player.
"Entire units lost to the plague. Now we must fell our own brothers. Is there no end to this disgrace?" - Daidoji

Impetuous Challenge
Focus Effect: After this duel ends, if the duel’s loser did not focus, destroy him.
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Personality: He challenges a target enemy Personality. Bow the duel’s
loser’s unit.
Failure to respond quickly means death.


Agasha Kitsuki’s Ashes
+0F +0C
Attaches to a Crane Clan Personality paying 2 less Gold.
Battle: Move this Personality home: Target an enemy Personality with lower Personal Honor than this Personality’s
Chi. Move him home. If he moved, his controller loses 2 Honor.
“All ancestors must be honored.” – Daidoji Kirimi

For Crab


Hida Shimonai
7F / 2C
–HR 10G 0PH
Crab Clan * Shadowlands * Berserker * Damned
Battle: Bow a target enemy card with lower Force.
They are no different from any other Shadowlands creature. Destroyers can die.

Hida Kichiro
4F / 3C
1HR 7G 2PH
Crab Clan * Samurai * Commander
Battle: Straighten your target Personality or Follower.
The Crab fought daily to destroy the inexorable army. Despite their greatest efforts, the Crab warriors found
themselves retreating from the constant battle.

Hida Demopen
5F / 2C
3HR 7G 2PH
Crab Clan * Samurai * Hero
Battle: Discard a Heroic Strategy: Ranged 5 Attack.
How can you put so much value in paintings, fans, and perfumes, when bushi fall to an unending foe?

4F / 3C
–HR 7G 1PH
Crab Clan * Nonhuman * Tennyo * Cavalry * Scout * Spirit
Battle: Bow Tennyo unless a Recon action has targeted this battlefield’s province this turn: Bow a target enemy
card without attachments. Destroy the targeted card if it is an attachment.
No one knows why these spirits decided to fight the Destroyers. I, for one, welcome all the help we can get. – Hida


Fortress of the Forgotten
Battle: If any enemy units are at the current battlefield: Target a non-Unique Personality face-up in one of your
provinces. Bring him into play at the current battlefield. If he is a Berserker, you may ignore his Gold cost; if you
do and he entered play, destroy him before this turn ends.
We go forth to die. – Hida Ikarukani


Heedless Assault
Battle: Give your performing unbowed Berserker Personality a Force penalty up to his current Force: Give a target
enemy Follower or Personality an equal Force penalty. Destroy your Berserker if he now has 0 Force and no
attachments. Destroy the enemy card if it now has 0 Force and no attachments.
The Damned rushed forward and cut through the remaining zombies, heedless of their own injuries.

Unexpected Sympathy
Crab Clan players may play this card paying 1 less Gold.
Limited: You take in the families of the Dragonfly. Create two 1F Followers and attach them to one or two of your
target Personalities.
We know what it means to be cast out from one’s home at the hands of an inhuman enemy. You are welcome
here. – Hiruma Todori

Overpowering Assault
Battle: Choose your performing unbowed Commander and bow his performing Follower: Destroy a target enemy
card without attachments.
Nothing can stand against Rokugani honor and resolve.

Individual cards off the main site.

Tsai Tsu
Dragon Clan*Nonhuman*Ryu*Cavalry*Tactician

“The massive Wyrm shook the earth with its fury.
Atop it, the Son of Fire cackled and ordered the
beast forward. When all seemed lost, the Heavens
opened, and answered my pleas. Then the noble ryu,
children of the dragons, surged forth to confront
the twisted abomination.” – Tamori Sugi

Void Dragon's Guidance
Void - Dragon - Unique
After this card enters play: You may put the Ring of the Void from your discard pile into your hand.
Battle/Open: Discard this card: Look at the top 5 cards of any Fate deck. Put them back in any order. If you control
the Ring of the Void, draw a card.

Phoenix Clan * Void * Shugenja * Ishiken
Limited: Look at the top card of your Fate deck. You may put it at the bottom of your deck.

Heedless Assault
Battle: Give your performing unbowed Berserker Personality a Force penalty up to his current Force: Give a target
enemy Follower or Personality an equal Force penalty. Destroy your Berserker if he now has 0 Force and no
attachments. Destroy the enemy card if it now has 0 Force and no attachments.
The Damned rushed forward and cut through the remaining zombies, heedless of their own injuries.

Utaku Yu-Pan Exp 2
5f / 4C
4HR/ 9GC/ 4 PH
Unicorn Clan ` Samurai ` Cavalry ` Battle Maiden ` Daimyo ` Paragon ` Experienced 2 ` Loyal ` Unique
Your Other Battle Maidens have +1 Force and +1 PH while attacking.

Battle: Even if Yu-Pan is bowed: Straighten Her. You may target and destroy an enemy Personality or Follower with
0 Force.

Yogo Rieko Exp
4 / 4
- / 8g / 1ph
Scorpion Clan. Air. Shugenja. Ninja. Kuroiban. Experienced. Unique.
Battle/Open: Transfer a poison token from a target personality to another target personality.
Battle/Open: Even if Rieko is bowed: Straighten a target personality.

Although the Kuroiban could find no way to stem the plague, or the zombies it produced, Rieko continued to fight
them wherever they appeared.